Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Perriello Wins House Seat

The State Board of Elections certified Virginia's Nov. 4 election results, which includes a win for Democrat Tom Perriello over Rep. Virgil Goode Jr., a longtime incumbent in southern Virginia, and a truly ugly individual. People might remember Rep. Goode as the idiot who made an idiot of himself when he said he wanted strict immigration controls and to prevent Muslims from being elected to Congress and using the Koran during swearing-in ceremonies.

This was just before the last congress was sworn in, and it was obvious he was going after Rep. Keith Ellison the first Muslim elected to Congress. Goode said that it would be wrong to allow Rep. Ellison to take his oath on the Koran, for it would basically be the first step towards the fall of the republic.

It is a great sign that we can now bid goodbye to Mr. Goode, out country needs leaders not bigots.

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